This artwork will make people uncomfortable...I hope it does. This sculpture is comprised of over 300 used or discarded antigen tests. They were as valuable as gold when the need was high but now they're just long expired relics. I'll be very clear here, this isn't about Pro-Vax or No-Vax arguments, this is about waste.
This is just a fraction of the plastic waste from those tests, all of which will end up in landfill or in our oceans and waterways if we aren't careful. As individuals you and I are responsible for doing what we can to try and dispose of these properly and to avoid these things winding up where they shouldn't, but as a nation...we mandated the testing which I am in complete agreement with but perhaps we should've thought about a clean up. There are still millions of these tests out there, unusable, expired, worthless and in storage, what will we do with them? What will we do with the used ones already being found in our environment?
These things will surely stand the test of time and will outlast any human who used one, but unlike the gold amulets, or decadent and beautiful artefacts from societies that have long since vanished, I don't know if this is the relic I want to leave behind.