Jake Merin is a Melbourne-based multidisciplinary artist working across a variety of mediums and art disciplines including visual arts, design media, publishing, and music. He likes expressing his ideas through different mediums and processes and explore all that fine arts has to offer while developing deep knowledge and understanding through his skills in each discipline. Much of his work explores new ways of making and understanding art. As an artist, he constantly strives to create conceptual artworks that capture and expresses his emotions. The finer points of creative expression find fulfillment in his ability to weld imagination with effective handling of his craft. Harmony and balance even out the process of creation which made his artworks speak some leaning melody of movements. Jake's fluid yet forceful artworks extol the rhythmic quality of his music and the discipline of his design and management skills. Viewing his works was like a walk through a passage, a magical journey of an artist who never ceased to discover and rediscover life's simple pleasure.