Cup with Orange and plate.
The price of this painting reflects the many hours of work that goes into a painting this size. Unlike smaller work that I do Alla prima (in one sitting) this painting requires different technique. Building the painting in layers yet retaining the same painterly effect.
Making use of the Zorn palette. Cadmium Red Deep, Ivory black, Yellow Ochre and White.
For this painting I added a touch of Magenta to the Ivory black to make the lovely dark purple background. I also added a touch of Old Holland blue to make the table top a bit cooler.
This limited palette of colours allows for a unity and harmony of colour. It simplified the artistic process and gave focus to the values and brush strokes. Giving the work a strong sense of realism and abstraction.
Taking the tradition of everyday items and creating art that celebrates the simple things in life.
Painted on home made artboard with backing frame this art is sturdy in construction and ready to hang.